Learn Andriod App Development

by freeguruji


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Learn Andriod App Development -4hrs - full free video course------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter-1chp1_1-Exploring the history of Androidchp1_2-Exploring the Android app frameworkchp1_3-Programming with Javachp1_4-Install Android Studio on Windowschp1_5-Install Android Studio on Macchp1_6-Configure the Android SDK Chapter-2chp2_1-Create your first Android appchp2_2-Create virtual devices for testingchp2_3-Connect a physical device for testingchp2_5-Explore the SDKs command line toolschp2_6-Use the developer documentation
Chapter-3chp3_1-Explore the project structurechp3_2-Manage Gradle build scriptschp3_3-Manage the app manifest filechp3_4-Use dependencies and support libraries
Chapter-4chp4_1-Create layout resource fileschp4_2-Modify material design themes and styleschp4_3-Lay out screens with ViewGroup and Viewchp4_4-Units of measurementchp4_5-Using LinearLayout containerschp4_6-Using RelativeLayout containerschp4_7-Add views to a view group with Javachp4_8-Display and collect text valueschp4_9-Display messages with Toast and Snackbar
Chapter-5chp5_1-Explore the activity lifecyclechp5_2-Trace lifecycle events with Logcatchp5_3-Handle View events in layout fileschp5_4-Handle View events with Java codechp5_5-Handle changes in screen orientation
Chapter-6chp6_1-Create a custom launcher iconchp6_2-Display an image resource with ImageViewchp6_3-Display image resources at runtimechp6_4-Display images from the assets folder
Chapter-7chp7_1-Define the options menu with XMLchp7_2-Add items to a menu at runtimechp7_3-Display menu items in the action bar
Chapter-8chp8_1-Create new activities and layoutschp8_2-Start activities with explicit intentschp8_3-Open other apps with implicit intents
Chapter-9chp9_1-Android market fragmentationchp9_2-Create alternative resourceschp9_iii-Define alternative dimension resourceschp9_4-Create multiple versions of imageschp9_5-Lay out activities with fragments
Chapter-10chp10_1-Display an array of data in a listchp10_2-Customize list item displayschp10_3-Customize text and image displayschp10_4-Create and open a detail activitychp10_5-Pass data to a detail activitychp10_6-Return data to a parent activity